Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Honor the aged saints

"The silver-haired head is a crown of glory, If it is found in the way of righteousness" (Prov. 16:31).

It's Gospel Meeting time at the East Side church of Christ in Cleveland, TN.  My young friend and brother, Chris Clevenger is doing an awesome job as we consider the theme, "At the Corner of Christianity and Culture."

I was talking with some of our "Senior Saints" in our Tuesday morning Bible class abut our meeting this week.  You know, as a preacher, it troubles this ol' boy's heart when our long time aged saints that are so faithful to the cause of Christ are physically unable to attend evening worship and Bible study, especially Gospel meeting week they so dearly loved and supported with their presence through the years.  Notice that physically they are unable or as we say, "the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."  Let their health improve, there is no doubt where they would be.  No, they are not "forsaking the assembly" (Heb. 10:25) for it is not their choice.  They are not forsaking; they are simply unable physically to attend.

They still encourage and pray for it, but they miss it...and I miss them.

Lessons learned:

(1) If it were not for THESE saints; we would not have an opportunity to hear good preaching.  Think of all the years gone by and their support of our meetings.  Their dedication taught US dedication.

(2) I really ought to be ashamed of myself that I can go and choose not to.  In other words, not a thing wrong with me, just don't want to go...that's a heart problem, folks (Mt. 22:37-38).

(3) Embrace 'em, love 'em, visit 'em, call 'em, laugh with 'em.  There is going to come a day you wished you could.

I thank the Lord for those dear "Senior aged Saints" at the East Side church of Christ...over on the Wildwood.

1 comment:

  1. What a great reminder! Will be tweeting this later on today! Thanks!
